Anand Hospital

Understanding Total Hip Replacement Surgery


It is also known as total hip arthroplasty. It is a standard orthopaedic procedure that replaces impaired parts of the hip joint with artificial implants. The surgery aims to relief pain, improve mobility, and the patient’s overall quality of life.

Indications for THR

  • Severe hip pain unresponsive to conservative treatments.
  • Loss of mobility due to hip joint damage.
  • Advanced arthritis, avascular necrosis, or hip fractures.
  • Failed previous treatments for hip pain and dysfunction.

Recovery and Rehabilitation

  • Hospital stay: Typically, a few days post-surgery.
  • Pain management: Medications and other modalities used to control pain.
  • Physical therapy: Initiated early to improve strength and mobility.
  • Home exercises: Patients are provided with a personalized exercise program.
  • Return to activities: Gradual resumption of daily activities under healthcare guidance.

Complications and Risks

  • Infection: Risk of surgical site infection monitored closely post-surgery.
  • Blood clots: Preventive measures taken to reduce the risk of blood clots.
  • Implant dislocation: Patients advised on precautions to prevent dislocation.
  • Nerve injury: Rare complication, monitored and managed by healthcare team.
  • Leg length inequality: Careful surgical technique used to minimize leg length discrepancy.

Long-term Outcomes

  • Success rates: High success rates in relieving pain and improving function.
  • Implant longevity: Modern implants can last 20+ years with proper care.
  • Quality of life: Significantly improves the quality of life reported by many patients.
  • Revision surgery: Rare patients may require revision surgery due to implant wear or other issues over time.

Post-operative Care and Follow-up

  • Pain management: Continued pain management during recovery.
  • Monitoring: Regular follow-up appointments with the surgeon.
  • Activity restrictions: Adherence to activity restrictions and precautions.
  • Complications: Prompt identification and management of any complications.

Total hip replacement surgery is an effective treatment for severe hip joint damage. With proper preparation, surgical technique, and post-operative care, most of the patients experience significant improvement in pain and function. Regular follow-up and adherence to precautions are essential for long-term success and implant longevity.
